ING Campaign brand refresh


ING Bank aimed to refresh its brand with the new tagline, ‘Do Your Thing,’ to create a more customer-focused digital experience. This project involved designers and developers working together to update ING’s campaign pages and digital materials to align with this new identity.

My Role

Collaborated with the development team, project manager and lead designer to implement a new design system. Focused on designing and integrating UI components, ensuring all ING pages and devices had a consistent look and feel that matched the updated brand guidelines.

The Team

1 x Project Manger 2× Designer 2 x Developers




Lash Creative


ING old branding

Enhancing customer experience with ING’s digital refresh

ING aimed to modernise its digital presence to align with its new brand identity and boost customer engagement. The goal was to provide a cohesive, visually appealing interface that would enhance the online banking experience and foster stronger customer connections.

New branding update on hero section
New branding update on digital collateral
New branding update on digital banner ads
Components library

Updating campaign website and digital collateral

Revamped digital collateral and campaign pages to incorporate new brand elements, organising content for clarity and ease of use.

Logo, heading and typography

Ensuring a dynamic and up to date Design System

Established a flexible design system regularly updated to support evolving product needs, ensuring consistency across all digital assets.

Different states of an input field of the calculator

UI component organisation

Structured UI components into a clear and logical hierarchy. This method involved categorising components by their complexity and use case, from basic elements like buttons and input fields to complex sections like forms and calculators. This approach promotes reusability and consistency across the design system.

Standardised grid system and responsive design in action

Grid system and responsive design integration

Implemented a standardised grid system to ensure that the site maintained visual harmony across different devices, improving the overall user experience.

Developer style guide page

Design component implementation guidelines

Provided clear guidelines for implementing design components such as typography, colours, and buttons, covering their structure and styling. Regular updates and team collaboration ensure effective guidance for feature implementations, fostering a cohesive and user-friendly application.


The refreshed campaign pages and digital collateral provided a consistent, engaging user experience, aligning with ING’s new brand identity. This update enhanced visual appeal and usability, likely driving higher user engagement and conversion rates. While specific metrics were not measured, expected outcomes included increased customer satisfaction and positive feedback.

Impact and next steps

The successful brand refresh positioned ING as a modern, customer-focused bank, enhancing its digital presence. The established design system will support ongoing updates and future projects, ensuring ING can adapt to changing customer needs and market trends efficiently.